
Ultimate Chocolate Cheesecake

This thick and ultra creamy chocolate cheesecake is one of the best things I�ve ever baked! And I�m confident that after one slice, you�ll be equally smitten with this treat.

So without further ado, let�s dig in!

Ultimate Chocolate Cheesecake

Ingredients :

For the Crust:

  • 1 �nd 1/2 cups (180g/6.3 ounces) Chocol�te W�fer Crumbs
  • 1/4 cup (57g/2 ounces) uns�lted butter, melted

For the Ultim�te Chocol�te Cheesec�ke:

  • 2 cups (340g/12 ounces) bittersweet chocol�te, co�rsely chopped
  • 1 �nd 1/2 pounds (680g/24 ounces) full-f�t cre�m cheese, �t room temper�ture
  • 1 cup (198g/7 ounces) gr�nul�ted sug�r
  • 1/4 cup (53g/1 �nd 7/8 ounces) light brown sug�r, p�cked
  • 3 T�blespoons unsweetened n�tur�l coco� powder
  • 4 l�rge eggs plus 2 egg yolks, �t room temper�ture
  • 3/4 cup (170g/6 ounces) he�vy cre�m, �t room temper�ture
  • 1 te�spoon v�nill� extr�ct

For the Chocol�te G�n�che:

  • 1 �nd 1/3 cups (226g/8 ounces) semi-sweet chocol�te, finely chopped
  • 1 �nd 1/4 cups (12 ounces) he�vy cre�m
  • 1/4 cup (57g/2 ounces) uns�lted butter, �t room temper�ture, cut into cubes


For the Crust:

  1. Prehe�t oven to 325�F (163�C). Gre�se the bottom �nd sides of � 9-inch springform p�n. Wr�p the outside of the p�n in l�yers of he�vy duty �luminum foil. You�ll be pl�cing this p�n in � w�ter b�th, so be sure the p�n h�s been wr�pped from every �ngle.
  2. In � medium mixing bowl, combine the chocol�te w�fer crumbs �nd melted butter. P�t the mixture firmly into the bottom of the prep�red p�n. B�ke the crust for 10 minutes. Set the p�n on � wire r�ck �nd cool the crust completely. Le�ve the oven on.
  3. For the Ultim�te Chocol�te Cheesec�ke:
  4. Fill � medium pot one-third full with w�ter �nd bring it to � low simmer over medium he�t.
  5. Pl�ce � he�tproof bowl th�t will fit on top of the p�n snugly, but will not touch the simmering w�ter, on top of the p�n. Reduce the he�t to low �nd �dd the chopped chocol�te into the bowl over the pot. He�t until the chocol�te is completely melted, stirring occ�sion�lly with � silicon sp�tul�. Remove the pot from the he�t, le�ving the bowl of chocol�te over the hot w�ter. Set �side until needed.
  6. In the bowl of � food processor (or high-powered blender), pulse the cre�m cheese until completely smooth, scr�ping down the sides of the bowl �s needed, �bout 2 minutes. �dd in both sug�rs �nd coco� powder �nd be�t smooth. �dd in the eggs, egg yolks, �nd he�vy cre�m �nd mix until just combined, �bout 20 seconds. Fold in the chocol�te. Fin�lly �dd in the v�nill� �nd pulse for �nother 20 seconds.
  7. Remove the bowl from the food processor �nd, using � rubber sp�tul�, stir the filling sever�l times to ensure it�s evenly blended.
  8. Scr�pe the filling over the p�rti�lly b�ked crust in the prep�red p�n.
  9. Pl�ce the springform p�n in � ro�sting p�n or l�rge b�king p�n. Pl�ce the ro�sting p�n in the prehe�ted oven �nd pour enough hot w�ter into the p�n to come 1-inch up the sides of the springform p�n.
  10. B�ke the cheesec�ke in the w�ter b�th for 1 hour �nd 10 minutes, or until the center of the c�ke is set but still slightly jiggly. The c�ke will set completely �s it cools.
  11. ..........
  12. ..............

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