
Ultimate Banana Smoothie Bowl

The base of my smoothie bowl is simply frozen bananas with a little almond milk, almond butter, and oats. The liquid to solid ratio is different than a regular smoothie; here, you add a little less liquid so the blended frozen fruit turn out thick and almost ice cream-like. I needed a sturdy base to hold all the goodies I wanted to throw on top.

Ultimate Banana Smoothie Bowl

To start, I bought tiny amounts (1-2 tablespoons) of good quality nuts and seeds from the bulk section of my grocery store � no point buying a $20 bag of chia seeds if you only have them once in a while. I went with chia, sunflower, pumpkin, flax, and hemp hearts, and tossed them together to make my own little seed mix.


  • 2 l�rg� rip� b�n�n�s, cut into chunks �nd froz�n
  • ? cup �lmond milk or yogurt
  • � cup roll�d o�ts
  • 1 t�bl�spoon of your f�vourit� nut butt�r (option�l)

Toppings (choos� �ny of th� following):
  • � rip� b�n�n�, slic�d
  • Uns�lt�d c�sh�ws, to�st�d
  • Roll�d o�ts, to�st�d
  • Unsw��t�n�d coconut ribbon, to�st�d
  • Pumpkin s��ds
  • Fl�x s��ds
  • H�mp h��rts
  • Chi� s��ds
  • Sunflow�r s��ds
  • Coco� nibs
  • Hon�y or nut butt�r (for drizzling)


Visit  edible-woman.com for recipe instructions.

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